專注于進口歐、美、日、韓 機電設備儀器儀表 ,始于2008年
CEI 美國,CEI 閥 伺服產品生產商,高規格的電子液壓產品提供了更多種類和多樣化的控制能力和應用。
CEI 閥,CEI 比例閥和CEI 伺服閥產品包括CEI方向控制閥,CEI壓差控制,CEI水壓泵控制,CEI輸入控制器(搖桿),以及CEI電子控制卡。
CEI 是美國**的伺服產品, 比例閥產品生產供應商。
CEI is virtually the only electrohydraulic
valve manufacturer in the United States that supplies proportional and servo valve products
with field interchangeable first stage pilots: thus allowing the customer to significantly
reduce down time in the field, and basically eliminate the need to return the product to the
factory for service.
所有的CEI的底板模型符合NFPA標準或其他公認的工業安裝配置。此外,CEI 還制造了多款無需底板安裝的伺服閥和比例閥。
CEI的產品是100%美國技術,100%美國制造,CEI 閥,比例閥和伺服閥產品品質優良, 價位合理。
CEI 閥,伺服閥和比例閥的流量 *高可達80 GPM。
Former employees of SLI Industries established CEI in 1982. SLI was sold in the early 1980’s
to Commercial Intertech Inc. The founders of CEI were instrumental in the designing and
manufacturing of the SLI Proportional valve line. CEI became the master distributor and the
only authorized repair and service center in North America for the SLI proportional valve line
then manufactured by Commercial Intertech Inc.
In 1989 CEI purchased the proportional valve produce line from Commercial Intertech. CEI
invested significant engineering and manufacturing resources to redesign and improve the
performance of the product. Manufacturing of the improved product, at its Simi Valley,
California facility, began in late 1989. In 1990 CEI introduced its new low cost 90 series
servo valve products to the market place.
By 1994 CEI had outgrown its Simi Valley facility and was relocated to a new modern
manufacturing facility located in Oakhurst, California near Fresno.
Sargent Controls & Aerospace, a division of Dover Diversified Inc., purchased CEI in August
of 1999. Sargent Controls has expanded CEI’s engineering capabilities dramatically.
CEI has already announced several new products that will be available to the marketplace
in 2000 and 2001.
Control Enterprises, Inc. 即CEI 公司設計生產用于遠程控制和自動化控制的全部電液閥和電液執行器
美國CEI 產品包括CEI 閥,CEI比例閥, CEI伺服閥, CEI旋轉液壓控制, CEI直線液壓控制,CEI壓差控制,CEI輸入控制器,CEI安裝包
CEI 比例閥
VS52 Series Proportional Valve CEI VS5210SBI21B
VS52M Series Proportional Valve CEI VS8640SBI314
VS52MP Series Proportional Valve
VS63 Series Proportional Valve CEI VS8640VBE31BU
VS86 Series Proportional Valve
V100 Proportional Valve
V500 Proportional Valve
Standard and Custom Dead Bands and Output Flows
No Electronic Card Required for Proportional Control - Low Current ± 80 MA.
CEI 伺服閥
90 Series Servo Valve
Field Interchangeable Pilots, Spools, Sleeves, and Pilot Filters
CEI 泵執行器Pump Actuators
Linear Actuator Pump Controller 直線執行器 L1221 CEI PVE4420B
Rotary Actuator Pump Controller 旋轉執行器 PCS300 PCS600 CEI 3679200130 CEI PCS300B1B CEI PCS601B
Convert Manual Control HST to an Electrohydraulic Control HST
CEI 壓差控制器 DPC-93 Differential Pressure Control
Convert Remote Piloted Controls to Electrohydraulic Controls
CEI 射流管先導伺服閥 Jet Pipe Servo Valve
JP5 Servovalve JP10 JP15 JP20 JP25 JP40
Single orifice Jet Pipe Design which offers superior contamination tolerance for long life, low null leakage for higher system efficiencies, and high response for demanding applications
MCE 1000 Hand Controls 主令控制器,C-200, C-100, C200 ,C100 伺服閥驅動卡
"Joy Sticks" & Electronic Control Cards to Work With CEI Valve Products
深圳市卡普特專業供應CEI 閥,原裝品牌設備,型號齊全,享有上等的供貨渠道,廠家直接供貨,報價快捷,價格優勢明顯,應有盡有,質量保證,服務熱情誠懇,公司具有良好的市場信譽,具有一定專業技術業務水平的售后服務,專業的銷售和技術服務團隊,隨時歡迎您前來咨詢。
電話:0755-82840331、21513506, 傳真:0755-21513515(自動)
郵箱:sales@ttcie.com ,聯系人:銷售部